Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam | Biography, Books, Quotes & Awards

Table of Contents

  1. Who is APJ Abdul Kalam?
  2. APJ Abdul Kalam’s Achievements
  3. APJ Abdul Kalam Motivational Quotes
  4. Books written by APJ Abdul Kalam
  5. Conclusion

Who is APJ Abdul Kalam?

APJ Abdul Kalam’s full name is Dr. Avul Pakir Jainuladbdeen Abdul Kalam. He was an Indian scientist and India’s president from 2002-2007. He had a main role in the development of the missile and nuclear weapon programs of India.

He was born on October 15, 1931, in Rameswaram, India to a poor Tamil Muslim family and died on July 27, 2015, in Shillong due to a cardiac arrest while doing what he loved, giving a lecture to students at IIM Shillong. He was the 11th president of the country and is commonly known as the ‘Missile Man’ of India. He was one of the most prominent scientists in the world, who through his academic vigour and contributions changed the landscape of the Indian technological space.

APJ Abdul Kalam’s Achievements

APJ Abdul Kalam in the classroom with students

He completed his education in Aeronautical Engineering at the Madras Institute of Technology.

  • One of his biggest achievements was that he contributed as a Project Director for the development of the Indigenous Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-111) which was India’s first, while injecting the Rohini satellite into earth orbit in July 1980 and helping reach India in space club.
  • He was also the Scientific adviser to the Department of Defense Research & Development and Defense Minister and Secretary from July 1992- December 1999. During this time, he helped India become a nuclear weapon state by leading the weaponization of missile systems and the Pokhran-II nuclear tests in collaboration with the Department of Atomic Energy.
  • Through projects like Light Combat Aircraft, he pushed towards self-reliance in defence systems through multiple development tasks. He was the 11th President of India from 2002-2007. He played a pivotal role in forming a great government through those years.
  • APJ Abdul Kalam also served as the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India from 1999-2001 and was engaged in strategies and missions and evolving policies for many applications development.
  • He got a lot of international recognition for his great work. He was conferred with the International Medal 2008 by the Royal Academy of Engineering, London.
  • He was also awarded the “King Charles-II Medal” for Science and Technology in 2007 by The Royal Society, UK.
  • There is a non-profit organization based in Rameswaram, India called the APJ Abdul Kalam Foundation which aims to fulfil the Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Vision of 2020 developed India.
  • Dr APJ Abdul Kalam was one of the eminent scientists of our country who received honorary doctorates from 26 universities in India and abroad. He has also been awarded the highest civilian awards such as Padma Bhushan in 1981 and Padma Vibhushan in 1990.


APJ Abdul Kalam Image

APJ Abdul Kalam has been one of the most prominent scientists that changed India’s technology landscape. It is no doubt that he was one of the wisest men too. Here are some famous quotations by him, inspired by his life philosophy and teaching.

  1. “Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.”
  2. “Failure will never overtake me if my definition to succeed is strong enough.”
  3. “You must dream before your dreams come true.”
  4. “The best brains of the nations may be found on the last benches of the classrooms.”
  5. “ You cannot change your future, but you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future.”
  6. “Man needs difficulties in life because they are necessary to enjoy the success.”
  7. “Your best teacher is your last mistake.”
  8. “Don’t read success stories, you will only get message. Read failure stories, you will get some ideas to get success.”
  9. “One best book is equal to hundred good friends, but one good friend is equal to a library.”
  10. “Be active! Take on responsibility! Work for things you believe in. If you do not, you are surrendering your fate to others.”


Along with being an amazing scientist, he was also an author and academic who wrote numerous books throughout his lifetime based on his wisdom and experience. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s knowledge and legacy are so rich that schools have included his biographies and life story along with his achievements as chapters in school books, online education courses and as part of their school curriculum. Some of the important books that he wrote are-

  1. Wings of Fire (1999)
  2. Ignited Minds (2002)
  3. Turning Points (2012)
  4. Adamya Sahas (2006)
  5. India 2020 (1998)
  6. You are Born to Blossom (2008)
  7. Hum Honge Kamyab (2006)
  8. The Luminous Sparks.

He also worked as a Professor of Technology and Societal Transformation at Anna University in Chennai and loved working with young minds as he believed that they are the bright future of our country.

Blog Conclusion

APJ Abdul Kalam might have been born into a poor family, but he climbed great heights throughout his life while making important contributions to the growth of the nation. He was a humble and modest person who loved interacting with children and shaping the future of the nation. He left behind his legacy and a vision to work towards building a developed India.


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